Wheat products

Wheat germ is the most valuable part of wheat. The high content of unsaturated fatty acids in wheat germ limits its shelf life to a few days. Therefore, the wheat germ is removed during flour production. HOCHDORF Swiss Nutrition Ltd has developed a gentle process to stabilize the wheat germ as VIOGERM®, preserving the richness of protein, dietary fibre, minerals and vitamins, while extending the shelf life to 12 months. VIOGERM® is the perfect combination of health and taste. The addition of VIOGERM® enhances food products in a natural way and has a variety of applications in the food industry.

VIOGERM® is available in a variety of granulations, adding variety and flavour to your products. Our granulate is popular in chocolate, pasta, small pastries, breads and muesli. VIOGERM® wheat germ has a pleasant, nutty taste, which means that you can use it as a (partial) alternative to hazlenuts and almonds in nut fillings, and so reduce the fat content of your products.

VIOGERM® adds value to your products

As well as being healthy, VIOGERM® of­fers many fea­tures that add value to a va­ri­ety of food prod­ucts.

Aroma: VIOGERM® has a pleas­ant, sweet, nutty flavour. This of­fers a full bod­ied taste and also en­hances the taste of savoury prod­ucts.

Nu­tri­tional value: Wheat germ is one of na­ture's pow­er­houses, with over 70 nu­tri­ents. As an ex­cel­lent source of pro­tein and di­etary fibre, the wheat germ is also rich in var­i­ous min­er­als (potas­sium, mag­ne­sium, iron, zinc, se­le­nium, phos­pho­rus) and vi­t­a­mins (vi­t­a­mins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, vi­t­a­min E, niacin).

Tex­ture: Due to its rich­ness in pro­tein and di­etary fi­bres, VIOGERM® can add tex­ture in a va­ri­ety of ap­pli­ca­tions. VIOGERM® im­proves the chew­ing prop­er­ties of pasta and makes crack­ers crispier and crunchier, for ex­am­ple.

Pro­cess­ing: Im­por­tant yet often over­looked - VIOGERM® can be used every­where, eas­ily and prac­ti­cally. VIOGERM® makes dough more com­pact, for in­stance, mak­ing it eas­ier to process.


For more information please contact our sales manager: Kristīne Kalniņa.

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